$215.94 Savings on MSRP $11.37
  • SKU 1399
  • Manufacturer DENMAT
  • Packaging KT / 1
  • MSRP $227.31

Cerinate Prime is a one bottle, no-mix organosilane, ceramic primer. Research has shown it to increase and enhance the bond between composite resin and porcelain. It can be used in enhancing the bond of Lumineers® with Ultra-Bond® Plus, as well as all composite resin luting cements with porcelain veneers. It also plays an important role in porcelain repair after the porcelain surface has been microabraded or etched with a porcelain etching agent like Porcelock® Porcelain Etchant. As a ceramic primer, Cerinate Prime allows the clinician to create a high strength chemical bond between porcelain and composite that is microleakage free.

Porcelain Conditioner is a citric acid pretreatment to activate and hydrolyze Cerinate Prime ceramic primer. The use of Porcelain Conditioner as a pretreatment combined with the use of a silane ceramic primer, Cerinate Prime, improves the durability of the porcelain-composite resin bond both in the bonding of all-ceramic restorations and for porcelain repair.

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