Savings on MSRP $119.68
- SKU 31381100
- Manufacturer DENMAT
- Packaging KT / 1
- MSRP $2,393.54
The Lumineers 3-Tray Placement Kit includes everything you need for beautiful and accurate placement of Lumineers, all in one convenient package! The system provides the best tools for all your porcelain cementations - beginning with try-in through placement and finishing. Backed by over 20 years of clinical success, included in this kit are the award-winning Ultra-Bond and Tenure placement materials, and so much more. The Lumineers Placement Kit ensures you have all of the materials and equipment necessary for placement success!
The Lumineers 3-Tray Placement Kit includes everything you need for beautiful and accurate placement of Lumineers, all in one convenient package! The system provides the best tools for all your porcelain cementations - beginning with try-in through placement and finishing. Backed by over 20 years of clinical success, included in this kit are the award-winning Ultra-Bond and Tenure placement materials, and so much more. The Lumineers Placement Kit ensures you have all of the materials and equipment necessary for placement success!
- (1) 6g Bottle of Porcelain Conditioner
- (1) 5mL Bottle of Cerinate Prime
- (1) 10mL Bottle of Dry-Bond
- (1) 1.75mL Syringe of Porcelock
- (1) 3mL Syringe of Etch 'N' Seal
- (1) 3mL Syringe of Paint-On Dental Dam
- (4) 1g Syringes Shade Modification in Each Shade (White, Yellow, Blue, Violet)
- (1) 4g Jar Tetrapaque Initiator
- (4) 1g Syringes of Tetrapaque in Each Shade(Dentin, Enamel, Pink, Violet)
- (4) 1g Syringes of Plus Try-In Paste in Each Shade (A1, B1, B0, Supreme White)
- (1) 3g Jar Tenure S Dab-Eze
- (4) 6g Syringes of Ultra-Bond Plus Cement in Each Shade (A1, B1, B0, Supreme White)
- (2) 6mL Bottles of Tenure A Bonding Agent
- (2) 6mL Bottles of Tenure B Bonding Agent
- (1) Kit Splash Heavy Body Half-Time Set Impression Material, 2-48mL cartridges
- (1) Kit Splash Lite Body Half-Time Set Impression Material, 2-48mL cartridges
- (1) Ceri-Saw Anterior Handle
- (10) Ceri-Saw Anterior Blades
- (6) Ceri-Sander Strips, Fine
- (6) Ceri-Sander Strips, Ultra-Fine
- (1) 5g Syringe of Porcelain Polishing Paste
- (1) Schure 349 Instrument
- (1) Lumineers Bur Block
- (1) Color Modification Instructional DVD
- (1) Lumineers Step-by-Step Placement DVD
- (60) Disposable Brush Tips
- (10) 15-Gauge Syringe Tips
- (16) 18-Gauge Syringe Tips, Pink
- (20) 20-Gauge Syringe Tips
- (20) Auto-Mix Tips
- (1) Brush Handle
- (4) Dappen Dishes
- (2) Mixing Pads